Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 19

Visited a vast flea market out in Shenandoah Valley. It was full of what a McCain aide recently called "real Viginians". Someone had a van with "OBAMA IS A MARXIST" painted on the side. He or she had also written "freedom changes or dies" in smaller letters. Obama being a Marxist I understand but the second bit I still find confusing.

How should I talk to these people? My generic middle-class accent frankly sounds gay here. If I adopt an American twang I am a race traitor. If I overdo the London thing and start talking like Bob Hoskins I will be treated like a novelty.

A man selling chilli dogs told me he loves our Queen Mary. He also said that when I go back to London I should say hi to his friend Laurence if I run into him. Laurence, if you're reading this, the chilli dog guy says hi.

I actually feel a bit of fear walking around in some places. Does that make me a massive pussy? I think a lot of these people would like nothing more than to beat the shit out of me. And this is only Virginia. How much more will they hate me in Tennessee?

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